Department Of Secondary Education, Government Of Haryana
However, in recent years some progress has been made in trying to fix this problem. In 1990–91, the female to male ratio (F/M ratio) of enrollment was 0.47 for primary level of education. It reached to 0.74 in 1999–2000, showing the F/M ratio has improved by 57.44% within the decade. The Sindh School Education Standards And Curriculum Act, 2014 This is possibly caused by the fact that a lot of professions are not seen as female oriented. All in all, in the future, these LCPSs may be able to reach more and more of the marginalized groups of people. In the end, a large factor that played into if parents had their children attend these schools were based on their education level. The government of Punjab continuously seeks innovative solutions that can help improve school education department by developing e-Tranfer system for public school teachers across Punjab. Gaps in service provision at all education levels is a major constraint to education access. Socio-cultural demand-side ...